Killing It With Autoresponder Emails!

autoresponder emails

Autoresponder Emails 

Do you want to use autoresponder emails effectively? If you focus 90% of your time on sales, you will not have time to do all that other stuff you’ve been tinkering with.  There’s just not enough time to mess with time wasters.

Spending time on crafting “smart” autoresponder emails is a form of marketing and this too would amount to focusing on sales.  If you are constantly engaged in crafting emails that get people to like you, trust you and know you, that’s time well spent.

Building trust through autoresponder emails

If you provide your prospects with free tips, free videos, free audios, free PDF’s, free courses, free presentations, then they’ll open your emails and buy from you over and over again. This should be a primary goal with your autoresponder emails. It should not always appear to be an attempt to get a sale.

If while building your list and a relationship with that list you are constantly engaged in refining your autoresponder emails then $200k per year will be a slam dunk.  And, there’s a reason I’m driving it home.  It’s paramount, critical and crucial to do so.

After you make it to that mark, the $200k per year mark, then you can focus on the other things, like top-shelf customer service, managing employees, an office, or whatever else you want to focus on.

If you currently make $50k per year online or perhaps much less and want to take it to the next level and the next, then start focusing on sales by taking care of simple tasks like crafting your follow-ups.  Start now.  You’ll see a difference immediately.  Next month will be your best month ever!  Even if you make $150k per year online, then still stop focusing on all those other time wasters and put more time into sales in order to get to that next level.

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Focus on selling

Stop answering so many emails, stop replying to FB messages, stop doing things that take up all your time and focus on sales.  Do this, sit down and think about how much time you spend on certain tasks each week.  Total them up.

   For example:

   Email Time:

You spend 4 hours per day on checking, reading and responding to emails.  Stop that.  I don’t even have 4 hours worth of emails to check each day that would be more important than sales and I get tons of emails.  

Stop being at everyone’s beck and call and limit your email time.  In fact, work on your autoresponder emails for a couple hours before you even check your email for the day.  That’s an instant increase in income if you do that.

You’ll also see that most of those emails can wait a day or two and are not critical.  4 hours per day is 20 hours per week or more.  Imagine that much time put into creating a new up-sell and on a new traffic platform!

   Meetings & Communication with others:

I bet if you’re making any money online, you are spending a good amount of time meeting with technical people, chatting with IM friends, posting on Facebook or forums, emailing people, Skype chats and so on…

  =========> Limit your chatty time and focus more on sales.

Now, I’m going to say something that is a bit confusing, so hang with me here… I believe some people at this level spend way too much time at events.

I’m not saying you should not go to seminars and masterminds, but I am saying that some people are wasting a great deal of time and money messing with too many events. Some people who achieve an income upwards of $200k per year believe that they’ve arrived. So, to hang around with big wigs in the industry they attend seminars and events to sort of applaud themselves instead of continuing to grow their business.

For example, I know of people who attend about 5-10 events per year… if not more.  The last time I talked to one of them, they were planning to attend another event.  I’ve known this person for several years. This individual still does not make much money from what I can tell because of having the wrong priorities.

If they spent those 5-10 weeks per year on sales, including simple tasks such as fine tuning their autoresponder emails, they would be singing a different tune.  Plus, if you do go to those events and make less than $200k, then focus on sales at that event.  Do not focus on learning from the guru speakers, especially if they are selling from the stage. Instead, be in the lobby or elsewhere looking for ways to increase sales.

And, you do not have to answer every Skype call, every phone call and every email that comes your way.  The more you start making the more everyone will try and steal your time away from sales.  Keep on focusing on sales.

Unless one of those friends are emailing you or Skyping you to promote your stuff, limit those conversations.

   Learning time:

A lot of marketers spend way too much time learning.  I bet 90% of the marketers in this market know more about social media, or technical WordPress plugins, or keyword software, or SEO software, or video player scripts than I do.

Heck, I bet about 50% of this market knows more about Internet Marketing than I do.  Or, it would appear that way.

They know every free tool, every resource, every hosting platform, every new social media trick in the book and so on… while I still focus on sales.

The money is in sales and value, not in knowing all those plugins or resources.  Can you sell your stuff, that is the question that matters! Your focus should be on sales and if you’re going to learn anything, spend that time learning sales!

Learn copywriting to boost your autoresponder email series open stats and conversions.  Learn how to sell, buy the sales books out there on how to sell.  Study sales letters and scripts. Study sales.  Learn how to recruit affiliates and get them to promote for you.  Spend time learning traffic.

   Product Creation:

This is a good thing to spend your time on because you are creating something to sell!  But, do not spend ALL your time on trying to create the world’s best product.  I know people who have been working on creating their product for months and months.  

They should still be focused on selling!  Get the product done, give yourself two weeks and then sell the thing!  

Sure, it’s the righteous thing to do… create liquid gold products that people will rave about and say great things about you… but guess what?  It’s a lie.  People will still make fun of you and criticize you no matter what you do.  Nothing is perfect.  It’s impossible to create a perfect product.  And, the more time you spend on creating that product, that’s less time you can spend on selling that product.  Let me put it this way…

Time IS Money.

Life is short and life is precious.  Life is fragile and you are running out of time.  You are not getting younger.  The Earth is revolving and days are ticking past us fast.

You can spend an eternity on your best selling product only to find out later that people did not like it or perhaps even hated it!

You have the rest of your life to go in there and make your product better and better, but for now, the focus needs to be on selling. Heck if you can’t sell what does it matter how great your created product is?  If you want to quit your day job and earn six figures, you had better focus on sales… not product creation.

Focusing on sales is not complicated and can be as fundamental as refining your autoresponder emails. Learn to master the simple things in online marketing before you venture into more complicated areas. Too many internet marketers neglect the simple things. Some are just too lazy to spend the time required to ‘perfect’ their autoresponder emails. Don’t be one of them.

To your success,

David Brahim

See Also: Email Marketing – Is it Dead or Still Alive? , Is Email List Building Essential for Success Online?

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